Thursday, January 24, 2008


Advertising- Use Stock Nature Photography

Copywriting is the easy part of advertising; all you do is come up with the perfect expressions to express your message with concentration on the benefits to the reader. Aquiring the attention of the reader is the tricky part. A photograph is worth a thousand words when you're goal is inciting interest. Stock nature photography will make the advertisement both attractive and extremely successful.

Advertising is similar to journalism. Sure, your headlines are key. Nevertheless, even the greatest headline and the most outstanding content cant demand attention the way a photo does. For example, grab your local newspaper. When you look the paper, where do your eyes quickly go? They venture to the pictures first. Thats the type of value that stock nature photography brings to your advertisements.

Why would you squander your advertising dollars on an advertisement that may or may not grab attention? Adding a photo of a grand mountain range, a majestic waterfall, a comfortable path in a quiet wood, or any number of awe-inspiring images to gain attention is a great idea for improving the return on investment that you'll experience from your advertisements. It is easy to do, and well worth the effort.

You might unearth some stock nature photography that's related to your industry, like a picture of a horse could be used in an advertisement for tack or livestock feed. However, any type of nature photography will be able to achieve your advertising goals. You have the ability to select something that is interesting to everyone to complete your advertisement, like a butterfly on a bright purple orchid or scenic mountain snapshot. Most people are enthralled by attractive pictures of clouds or cute photographs of puppies or dolphins.

Creators of stock nature photography offer a large assortment of photos. They offer images of various sites including the ocean, mountain ranges and the desert. Photos taken in all four seasons contribute to the selection that reveals the marvels of nature are found in spring, summer, fall and winter. Because they're skilled photographers they make the effort to catch the greatest wonders of nature throughout the year.

The price of stock nature photography is very reasonable when compared to the great rewards it brings. It will attract the attention of the readers which greatly multiplies the worth of your advertisement.

Issuing an advertisement that isnt read is a devastating loss for your business. Take advantage of the assortment of astounding nature photos and enhance the worth of your advertising campaign.

NOTE: Use of this article requires links to be intact.

John Crawley operates a stock nature photography website named and likes to write articles on the subject. Don't miss the Swan pageEvonne Blog93947
Estel Blog33328

Lots of High School Choices in the New York City Schools

Looking for a high school for your child that concentrates on preparing for higher academics? The New York City schools have five such high schools.

If you have a child now in elementary or middle school, live or plan to live in New York City, and you would like to see your child excel in high school and college, begin planning now for his or her enrollment in one of five specialized New York City schools.

Three of these New York City schools have been around for the better part of the last century. They are Peter Stuyvesant High School, Bronx High School of Science, and Brooklyn Technical. They also are the most sought-after schools within the New York City schools system.

To enroll your child, a New York City schools exam is given in December of the school year prior to attending. The special exam concentrates on mathematics and reading comprehension. Exam results are received the following February. If you wish your child to take the rigorous New York City schools exam for one of these specialized schools, begin preparing him or her in the early grades, ensuring that math, reading and science are learning priorities. Then, the child should take a test prep course, such as the Kaplan, before taking the exam, as well as checking out test review books from the New York City schools. Thousands of students take the exam each year, but there are only a few spots open at each of the schools.

In order to take the New York City schools exam, your child needs a permission slip from a guidance counselor or have the childs current school administration register him or her at the special test centers in either Manhattan or Queens.

Each specialized school has its own score requirements. Stuyvesant has the highest score requirements and is the hardest to gain acceptance, followed by Bronx Science and then Brooklyn Technical.

All three New York City schools want only the best and the brightest students
Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Ethyl Blog32762
Feodora Blog32844

Reorganizing Your Business When Its Just Not Working

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you will find that your business just doesn't work the way that you want it to. No matter how well you have done on your business plan, and no matter how much information you have that tells you're your business is going to work, you are probably going to find yourself in a situation where you need to reorganize your thoughts, as well as some of your business, in order to make sure that it is going to be profitable like you hoped that it would be.

Don't Get Stuck

One of the most important things that you can do as you own a business is to try hard to not get stuck with the way that the business works and with the way that it is set up. Getting stuck with the way that you think a business should be is a mistake that lots of people make, and it something that can be a disaster to you if you don't allow yourself to change and grow with the times.

You have to be sure that you are always keeping tabs on your business and that you are evaluating how well it is working and what you can do to make it better. If you come to a point in time in which you don't think your business is working at all, you are probably going to have to completely reorganize it, no matter how hard this might seem. This is something that you might have to do, and it is something that you are going to want to do because sometimes the only way to save your business is to overhaul it and reorganize it.

The first step in this process is going to be taking a look at your business and seeing what you could perhaps do to make it better. This means that you have to be sure to take a look at the various types of work that is coming in, how you are processing it, and how it is working. This is something that you should be doing on a regular basis. However, if you find that it just isn't working, this is the time that you are going to want to take to change it so that it works better.

Remember that when you reorganize your business, it isn't completely like starting from scratch, but you might want to treat it like it is. Take the time to write a business plan that shows you how you can succeed, and then make the changes that need to be made so that your business isn't failing any more. Don't be afraid to start completely over on some of your projects, because this just might be the tip that you are all looking for to make sure that you are going to be a success.

Copyright © 2007 Vadim Kirienko owns the Home Business Resource Directory where you can find everything you need to start, run and grow a home based business. For further information, go to => http://www.NewAutomaticBuilder.comFrancyne Blog34020
Fatima Blog16229

100,000 Free and Low Cost Website Advertising Ideas

Finding free and/or low cost website advertising can be a daunting task. If you search the internet however you will discover there are several tools available to you. Listed here are some ideas that you can research further to help you build traffic to your website.

1. Free PPC Search Engine Traffic for newcomers as an introductory offer is worth a try as it is a good source of highly targeted website traffic. You can obtain a list by visiting

2. Free Viral Marketing is always a good way to spread your message quickly. Try this jiffy and free software at

3. Writing Articles can also put your promoting efforts into overdrive. It really is simple to write articles so website owners can use them for content. Do you see on this article how I placed information about myself as the author with links to my websites at the bottom? Try and Search for groups that accept articles for publication and follow their guidelines. You can also mass submit articles for free at Do a web search for other sites whether niche or general that accept articles too. An example of a niche directory can be found by visiting this site

4. Free Ezine Advertising is a great option. Most ezine publishers will give you a free ad if you subscribe to their free ezine. Visit You can also search for Ezine Directories where you will find scores of free publications which may have similar offers. Additionally, some ezine publishers may also feature your article if you contact them directly.

5. Write a Press Release. You can write a press release and submit it for consideration at Newspaper reporters and other journalist are always looking for fresh news that they can publish. Research how to write a good press release to help insure your story and website info will be featured for free.

6. Start Page Traffic Exchanges can help you generate exposure to your site. You set your browser to open into the surf page then you view other sites in the exchange as others do the same. Join

7. Banner Exchanges work on the same principle. Place the exchange code on your website and earn placement of your banner on other sites within the exchange.

10. Forums, Message Boards and Chat Rooms are excellent ways to interact with people and spread the news about your website. Search the internet for places that fit with the theme of your site. Be sure to visit as its a good place to start. Remember to participate in the discussions and follow the accepted form to pitch your site. SPAM only causes you problems and is best avoided.

11. Blogging can be an excellent way to promote your website and offer valuable information to surfers. Remember most people surf the internet seeking information first. As a rule of thumb providing information or relevant content will bring people searching for what you have to offer. Try

12. Try Exit Exchanges where you put a code on your website that creates a pop under when someone leaves your site in exchange for your pop under on the site of others on the exchange.

13. Link Exchanges can help you boost your page rank and bring some traffic to your site provided they are quality links. Try

14. A Newsletter Subscription is another great way to collect the email addresses of your website visitors. Offer them something of perceived value free in exchange for their email address. It could be an informative ebook for them to download. Send out a monthly newsletter to keep them informed and revisiting your site regularly. You can find scores of other free tools by visiting

15. For additional Free and Low Cost methods exceeding 100,000 resources visit

As you can see, there are a variety of methods to effectively and inexpensively promote your website. Be creative and research ideas to help get the word out. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover promoting doesnt cost that much if you are willing to put in the extra time and effort necessary to see that happen. Good Luck and Happy Promoting.

Robert Williams is the Editor of Work At Home Business Website. Visit Robert also promotes his own home businesses at and Blog60379
Fifi Blog31214

Are You Commiting These 10 Brutal Mistakes?

Ive been scammed plenty of times.

I just lost $50 on a type at home scam!!

Not to mention the 5 years, $1000's of dollars and blood, sweat and tears, I put into trying to make money with my website.

By now, you'd think I could smell a scam a mile away.


Well, not always.

It seems that the smarter I get the smarter the scammers seem to get.

But when I decided that I wanted to work from home, I knew that I didnt want to pay way to much money to get a job.

Nor did I wish to have to recruit tens or hundreds of people in order to get paid for whatever job I did get.

All I wanted was to do a better job than my competition.

You know--like I used to do in the real world.

Along the way I discovered that there were a lot of other people, just like me, who were trying to avoid the emotional and financial pain of being robbed, in a phoney scheme.

Over time, I realized that there is no 100-percent, sure-fire way to protect myself.

But I did learn--the hard way--that I could recognize some of the warning signs on the way, and how to minimize the risks of getting burned.

I eventually put my experience to work, started a web site, to help other people who want to work from home.

Following are some tips that I want to share with you so we can "flatten" your learning curve, and you won't suffer the same heartache, and frustration that I did.........

These tips are easy to follow, and I offer them below with the hope of helping you find a real way to make money online with your website.

1. Dont pay for an opportunity, they obviously are not in it for the long haul, and have no intention of putting you first.

2. If you find that the company uses language like this in their copy, you should run screaming the other way.

Words like:

matrix, power line, no experience necessary, free information, big money fast, you get the picture, and I am sure you get bombarded by these sleezy tactics every day.

3. Look out for companies that hire internationally.

Chances are great that the company is really a person who already has an up line, down line, or whatever.

4. Dont send an SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) for further information. If they can't afford stamps, how are they going to pay YOU?

5. Shy away from 900 numbers, most honest marketers, will provide you with real contact information. Do a "who is" and do your "Due Dilligence"

6. Don't buy courses and materials that the company "provides" for a price. If you dont already have the tools for the job, then you probably arent qualified for the job.

7. Examine the advertising copy with a fine tooth comb, often time the "hook" is in small print.

8. Check the track record of the compay, before agreeing to work for it. Your hard-earned pay might end up being the owners grocery money, because they didnt budget their start-up money properly.

9. The Better Business Bureau is a great place to start researching a company. Although companies pay to be listed there, any company that gets complaints will also be listed--for free.

10. Join the forums that relate to your niche, and you will find like minded people who love to expose a scam when they find one. This is a valuable resource alone, will save you a lot of time and trouble.

Don't balatantly advertise, build relationships and be a "helper". Learn to enjoy helping others.

Article by Jeff Davis. Did you find those tips on avoiding scams useful? You can learn a lot more about how to make money with your website here: http://how-to-make-money-with-your-web-site.comEsther Blog84372
Fernandina Blog31544

Online Home Based Business - The Essentials

There are literally thousands of affiliate marketing programs where you can start an online home based business. But haphazardly being a member of an affiliate program isn't enough. Bear in mind, you should be able to generate targeted leads. This is the only way to get the return on your efforts.

In any typical affiliate program you get promotional materials after joining their online home based business. Very often these are newsletters, website, graphical advertisements and materials for email marketing.

Most Online home based business pay the affiliates monthly by their management program. Some pure MLM businesses transfer the commission to your account as a sale occurs. But make sure of the transaction process like direct deposit or PayPal options.

Planning is the most important factor in succeeding any home based business. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

May be you are excited to bring change in your life you are looking for financial freedom and time freedom. You have gone crazy. Still take patience to consult a home business mentor who have already succeeded and made tons of money in home based businesses. Get a blueprint of the business plan from the affiliate program.

How to Create Multiple Revenue Streams for your Home Business

If you are starting something online, it might seem a great adventure of exploring new ways to make money. I would suggest you to start small and grow steadily.

Diversification in online home based business is a good thing to consider. Never put all eggs in one basket. Play it safe. Affiliate yourself to couple of affiliate programs. It will help you promote all of them simultaneously and make your business more credible. And if there is slump in one business you can get profit from others. That's called multiple streams of income.

Real money comes from real marketing. Online business is easy where you can start everything from the comforts of your home. But you should take care of the following seven points in order to succeed in any online marketing home business.

- Sell your own product and earn the largest profit margin. You can make it prime concern.

- Sell related products/services that complement your business.

- Recommend the products/services of business. Start selling the system. This will give you maximum commission per sale.

- You can also sell space if your online business becomes popular.

- Share your web resources with similar peoples in other businesses. Because it is the best thing to enhance your web presence.

- Build your own affiliate program.

Brad Jones is an online home based business consultant. He has developed several direct marketing programs that are easy and require less startup cost, currently working for Blog14591
Esther Blog84372

Low Budget Affiliate Marketing

You want to start an online business, but don't have your own product to sell. But you do have the option of starting with affiliate marketing - selling other peoples' products for a commission. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money. In just the last few years, affiliate marketing has become a very powerful force in ecommerce. Everyday, thousands, if not millions, of merchants rely on affiliate marketing to drive their businesses.

So, is online affiliate marketing right for you? Well, you will never know unless you take the necessary steps. If you don't try, then you cannot expect to succeed. Make today the day that you commit to changing the direction of your life. However, like any other business, whether it's online or off line, affiliate marketing cannot guarantee you success unless you work at it.

As with any business start up, and affiliate marketing is no excpetion, you will need to spend some money on the basics to get you started. However, through proper budgeting, your initial outlay can be reduced. So, you need to decide how much money you can afford to invest in your affiliate marketing business. There are some expenses that you will have if you want to be successful and there are others that you can put off until the time that you start earning income from your affiliate products. Some items that you will need to budget for are:

Domain Name. The domain name should relate to the subject and keep your domain name simple and easy to remember. There is quite a span between the low-cost and the high-end cost of domain names. If you shop around, you may even be able to find something less expensive. But make sure it's a well-established company! You don't want to lose your domain name once you have decided on it! You will likely get a better deal if you register your domain name for two or more years in advance. and are both excellent domain providers.

Website Hosting. Web hosting fees will vary dramatically between hosting providers. Set up a comparison chart and write down each company you are considering. Some companies offer rates as low as $2 a month, while others charge over $100. The highest rates don't always translate into the best service. Some of the lower-priced hosts offer a reliable, stable environment that allows your website to be accessed around the clock for years. provide quality hosting at reasonable prices. Shop carefully and if possible avoid free hosting which can be unreliable.

Merchant Account. You dont have to invest thousands of dollars to open a merchant account. Find a merchant account vendor through a local financial institution, like a bank, and discuss the possibilities that will best suit your business and your customers. A merchant account will let you start accepting credit card payments for customer purchases, which will enhance the shopping experience for most customers and earn your company a progressive reputation. Never assume you will have extravagant monthly charges when you open a merchant account. Shop around, ask questions, and compare costs to get the best low cost merchant account available for your business. Your customers will thank you with repeat and additional business.

Software. You will need to track your expenses and income from your affiliate business and the simplist way is to use Miscrosoft Excel or similar program. Seeing your expenses for the whole year is a great way to keep them under control. What is the final total? Does that seem extreme? Remember, this is for an entire year. Keep it in perspective. If you intend to have a real business, you must treat it as a real business.

Advertising. The best marketing tip you will ever hear is to advertise your product or business. In today's market, anyone in business knows that advertising is the backbone to their success. Even with the greatest product on the planet, a product that you know everyone needs and wants, without advertising, it's just an idea going nowhere. Make sure you check out the best ways to advertise your business. It can be a fun, profitable, and easy experience with the right tools.

Education. Ongoing education is going to be extremely important to your affiliate marketing success. You will not have to purchase a lot of educational materials if you don't want to. There are many free resources, such as newsletters, that you can study. Sign up for a few newsletters and use the information to gain experience.

Affiliate marketing can be a a great way to create a business on the internet but you will need to learn and understand the basics before you set off on your online adventure. Choose your affiliate programs carefully and make sure that you get the support and backup from the affiliate program.

Ian Simpson reviews and writes about software and informational products on the internet. Further affiliate business advice can be found at Blog29705
Erinn Blog1774

Do-It-Yourself Internet Marketing Or Professional Internet Marketing Companies

There are so many ways to market your home or online business and sometimes it isn't easy to choose which way is best for you. Should you try to market your business or site by online yourself or would it be better to use a professional internet marketing company?

If you choose to market your business or internet site yourself, there are a few things to consider. First, you can use free web page sites which allow a person to create a space in order to literally market themselves. In this case, it would be easy to publicize anything; including your own business. It is also a great way to make sure you get what you want across to the internet public. This permits you to personalize your marketing and sometimes making it sound less professional may draw more attention to your site. There are also sites that allow you to create blogs - basically an online diary - which can also be beneficial to your business or site. Both of these services are, for the most part, free and accessible in any language. One more way to do things yourself is to create mass e mail marketing. This simple yet effective process allows you to alert current customers of any specials, new arrivals or changes to your online business.

Perhaps you lack the time it takes to do things on your own, or maybe you lack the finesse needed to make your business sound as great as you wish it to. Whichever is the case, possibly you need to recruit the aid of a professional internet marketing company. Instead of spending tedious hours trying to maximize your web count, you can spend a great, or small, amount of money to have someone else do it for you. Professional internet marketing companies take publicity beyond e mails and blogs. They can offer search engine optimization, which includes you paying for keywords that are linked to your site. Each time someone uses one of these keywords, it can create a hit to your online business. They can also create web banners, which work just the same as a banner on the fence at a high school football game; just on the World Wide Web. The banners can be animated, can include blinkies, flashing text and in some cases, sound. The can be very effective in grabbing one's attention. Another option that professional internet marketing companies offer is pay per click. This is basically an operation that allows you to 'rent' a small space on another site and you pay that site for each click your banner, logo, etc. generates.

Whichever way you choose, just be sure that it is right for you. Your budget just may restrict which marketing choice you pick.

Ashton Dixon: Internet Made Millionare Visit for Home Business Ideas and OpportunitiesFilide Blog76677
Fedora Blog22439

Studio Singing, Jingles And The Big Bucks!

As a music industry professional, Ive had the pleasure of watching numerous young artists and studio singers develop into what seems as unstoppable marketing machines. Ive also witnessed the untimely passing of many a would be talent whose career ends as mysteriously as it started. What makes for a great session singer? Who makes the big bucks singing jingles and commercials? Why do some make it with what would seem little talent and others, with impeccable style and delivery, never even given the slightest acquiesce from industry insiders? Lets take a look at some basic ideas and concepts, and hopefully you can take away some understanding to gain traction in your singing career.

First off, as a former talent booking agent with the William Morris Agency, I can not tell you every how or why to every act that has or hasnt made it whether in the studio or as an artist. Lets get that right up front. Anyone who professes that they have all of the answers if you will pay them so much money for some industry secrets is a fake. There are some concepts that can be learned and utilized, but nothing is foolproof, luck has its way of entering the picture and quite honestly the I dont know how it happened, is reality. But, there are ideas that can give you an edge over your competition Lets look at some.

Jingle singers and great session singers are a breed apart. Theres no mistaking it. Ive sung on numerous commercials with some incredible singers, often leaving the session going, What the heck was I doing there,? but called back time after time You know why? Its called attitude. Sure singing on the money every time with consistency is incredibly key, but so is the attitude. So our most basic, yet almost critical element to singing in the studio with the elite crowd is attitude.

As you look at your career, one of your first questions to answer will be, What do I bring to the table? Another way to put it is, Why should they hire me? What niche of the singing market does your voice encapsulate? In other words, you need to figure out why someone will pay you. Now theres a multitude of genres and singing opportunities out there, so dont think too narrowly and dont get discouraged if you dont think that your vocal abilities command significant attention in multiple arenas. The fact remains that many new comers to the market do make it and are successful within their niche. You just need to be able to capitalize on your strengths the This is why they are paying me, factor.

Once youve established your strengths and real abilities, not the abilities you wish you had or that close friends nicely tell you that you have, you will be ready to start figuring out what your demo reel should consist of and sound like - This is key. You need to know your strengths and abilities to minimize your weaknesses and bolster your strengths. A first class jingle or session singing reel is your ticket to success. If youre not getting much session work, youd better start looking at your reel. If Ive stated it a thousand times, you can not compete in the privileged singing arena going for the big bucks with the My friend has a studio with a keyboard, mic and computer. Its not going to happen. You have to be willing to spend not only time, but money on your demo. Once youre in, you can get copies of the session work youre called on to be included in your next reel, but starting out, your jingle demo has to scream quality, like youve already arrived on the scene. For further insight and demo ideas you might consider looking up and free e-books on jingle singing and song demos are available as well. If you get nothing else out of this article, make sure your jingle reel is a knock out!

The big bucks in the session world are made in singing national 13 week spots. Many singers who have successfully entered the jingle singing market travel to Chicago, LA, New York, Atlanta, Dallas and other secondary jingle markets to sing on these types of jingles. A 13 week McDonalds spot could earn you $15,000 to $20,000 or more on one commercial! Sounds too good to be true, but its the truth. Now before you think you can enter this market youd better have a make your socks roll up and down jingle reel in hand. Oftentimes these 13 weeks spots are repeated and you know what that means, you get an additional fee.

Once you have your jingle demo in hand you have to figure out who and what to do with it, how often do you submit it and to where. These are great questions and Ill attempt to answer these critical questions in our short time remaining. I realize that most reading this article have interests that are only piqued, but there are a number of you who could probably do very well in the jingle singing arena and will. With that I will embrace a few key ideas here and hopefully you can email me with some of your success stories.

You will want to start by locating, calling and sending out your jingle reel to individuals and companies in your local area. There are listings of production and jingles houses along with ad agencies if you will Google it. You will want to send them your jingle reel with your name, contact number and year and season of the year, directly on the front sleeve along with your cover letter. You will also make sure that all jingles and musical snippets are listed in order on the inside cover along with all of your contact info again. You will then, after submitting your reel locally will, be ready to start branching out to larger jingle production communities. You will keep a detailed log of who, when, etc you talked to and sent out your email and all responses. You may want to follow up with some individuals with another professionally produced jingle reel to get your name across their desk another time. Keep emailing and conversing with interested parties. Call and gather contact info from other successful session singers. In time if your reel sizzles, you should be acquiring work. Good luck and we look forward to hearing from you!

Tom Gauger is a former talent booking agent with the William Morris Agency and is the founder of Mr Gauger has sung on numerous commercials including FOX TV, UPN Station IDs, OCharleys and many others. You may contact the author at or 615-300-5030.Verina Blog35614
Fortune Blog64042

Google-YouTube and Web 2.0

Google surprised the world by announcing on October 9 it would acquire California-based video website YouTube for a stock-for-stock transaction of US$1.6bn. This amount is the highest Google has paid for a nifty website. But what makes this acquisition unique is that this is the highest price ever paid for a user-generated Web 2.0 content site.

YouTube simply adds to the Tribe of Google which boasts of areas as diverse as blogging, personalized search, satellite imagery, image management and cellular phone technology! The price tag of $1.6 billion has raised several eyebrows, and Google's economic wisdom is being challenged. However, what this deal means to web 2.0(a system of collaboration-based web development) has been widely ignored.

YouTube - a true Web 2.0 Company

YouTube, founded in 2005 by Chad Hurley and others, is in the genre of a true Web 2.0 media website consisting entirely of user-generated content. It ranks fourth in the sector after other US-based firms MySpace, Facebook and Wikipedia.

YouTube has played a major role in creating the new "clip culture". It is estimated to serve about a 100 million video clips every day to about 72 million unique visitors!

Under the new deal, YouTube is expected to retain its separate legal entity, with Google continuing to concentrate on its own Google Video website as a separate operation. But the deal with YouTube will increase its reach into the user-generated media content market. In this market, "there is a clear winner in [the] networking and social networking side of video", Google chief executive Eric Schmidt said. UBS analyst Benjamin Schachter commented: "Large advertisers are looking to spend more money with Google. Video is a major focus, and YouTube increases its inventory."

Where is the money?

What exactly is the business model behind the purchase? The official line from Google is that "YouTube acquisition is part of Google's ongoing mission to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." However, it is premised that Google plans to leverage its "advertiser relationships" - a reference to its strategy of combining Google Adsense for Video with Google Video.

The basic theme seems to be that YouTube will benefit from Google's ad platform when it comes to monetization. Google search will also "improve the search experience" for YouTube users.

Copyright worries

Copyright concerns are another area which will keep Google and its lawyers really busy. There have been several reports of users viewing illegally copied music videos, films and TV programs via the YouTube network. Critics have even drawn parallels to the now-redundant Napster network, despite having a far better record.

To its credit, YouTube has struck deals with Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), Sony BMG Music Entertainment and Universal Music Group, in an effort to reduce copyright lawsuits.

What next?

This deal is a great one for YouTube, and hopefully a good strategic move for Google. The web community is anxiously asking the question: who is next? Of course, the Facebook-Yahoo! deal looks more likely to happen now. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

Kent Stanley advises clients on new internet technologies and standards-based web design. To learn more of his work, visit You may republish his articles by retaining this resource box.Veronika Blog84141
Ester Blog6901

The Main Key to a Profitable Internet Business

An Internet business can be very rewarding if you know how to make money online.

It's not difficult to make money online, you don't have to be a genius to do it. All you need is to know what to do and how to do it.

It's like any other occupation, would it be like a welder, a doctor or any profession. You need to learn a skill, it will be no difference because you work from home at the Internet. You simply must gain the necessary skill to be able to perform your job right.

A lot of people simply join an opportunity and then sit back and wait for the money. Let's face it, even though you don't have to be a rocket scientist to make it with your Internet business, you still have too work it.

Just as a regular business must be exposed to presumptive customers to be able to prosper, your online business will be dependent on what's called web site traffic. That is the main key to a successful Internet business: To be able to drive lots of targeted traffic to your web site. If you can't get visitors to your site, it will just sit in the cyber space for use of nobody.

And you want your traffic to be targeted, people who are interested in what you have to offer and therefor more likely to perform your MWA(most wanted action). Such as purchase your product/service, click an ad or an affiliate link.

That's all there is to it. Your job is simply to learn how to promote your businesses online. In other words, learning how to drive targeted traffic to your web site.

There are numerous of free and paid ways to promote your business online. For ex. pay per click, ezine ads, article writing, forums, classifieds, press releases, SEO (search engine optimization)...and on it goes.

If you make it your first goal to master the art of promoting your web site and drive targeted traffic to your web pages...You'll soon be able to make money online!

Ove Nordkvist has with help of his long experience of small business, created the web site Violette Blog96981
Vania Blog57758

Lead Generation: The Marketing Rule Of 10 x 10

Have you ever wondered why some businesses thrive and other business owners struggle to survive day after day just managing to pay their bills.

Now if the statistics are correct 80% of businesses fail in the first 5 years, then this could quite possibly be you.

Lets face it, when someone first goes into business its usually for one of three reasons:

1. They just received a huge pay out from somewhere, maybe an inheritance, redundancy package etc.

2. Youve lost your job and cant find another one or you dont want to find something else so you figure its a bout time you work for yourself instead of making someone else rich.

3. You think your boss is an idiot and figure, guess what I can do a better job than this guy. FYI. If you already employ people then guess what they are thinking J

Anyway, so you decide to go out beg, borrow and steal as much money as you can and instead of working for an idiot, you know work for a lunatic: yourself!

I have seen it time and time again working with business owners; the problem is they dont plan enough to really make a success of their chosen business.

In fact they kind of just fly by the seat of their pants, putting out fires as they go.

Im getting a little off track at the moment so Ill get to the point.

Weve all heard the wealth gurus talk about creating multiple streams of income in your life. The problem is most people only have one: their job.

And remember what that stands forJust Over Broke.

But the same thing applies for your business, most people have only one way of generating new customers and its usually the yellow pages.

But guess what happens if that strategy fails to pull enough new clients to sustain your overheads?

Thats right, you go out of business.

But its really quite simple to correct, its a brilliant idea that I learnt from one of my mentors, its called the rule of 10 X10.

What this means is that instead of having only one way to generate 100% of your clients, you find ten ways to generate 10% of your clients. So if one particular way fails, then you dont care!

This is the easiest way I know of to make life far less stressful when it comes to attracting new clients to your business.

Scott Patterson has been marketing for the past 14 years, he has helped many business owners grow their businesses any where up to 600% http://www.the-marketing-mind.blogspot.comFabrianne Blog23784
Violante Blog31074

Direct Marketing Ad: Nine Ways To Effectively Advertise Your Business In Magazines

Have you ever spent hundreds or thousands of dollars placing an ad in a magazine and not have a good response? Have you been confused as to why your ad did not work like you had hoped?

Here are 9 basic tips for advertising your business in magazines.

1. Color ads are generally more effective than black/white ads. The exception is, if the page you are advertising is in color and your ad is black/white. The black/white ad can even be more profitable if it is done well.

2. A full page ad is often thought to do better. Again there can be exceptions to the rule. If you have a black/white ad against color ads, you can have the ad smaller and generate more response. Or, if your ad is placed in a more opportune location in the magazine.

3. The most effective placements in a magazine are the following: First the back cover of the magazine, second, is the inside front two pages. Third, the inside back two pages. Also good placements for ads are on the outside of each page. As people browse through, they will see those ads before they see ads closer to the center.

4. Ads that are placed with wording around them are ideal. The reason being that while people are reading they will glance more than once at the ad. It gives you more exposure time. Remember, you only have a few seconds to capture someone's attention.

5. The ad itself needs to be neat and eye catching. If there is too much verbiage, you have lost potential business. Most people are visual and will not take the time to read a lengthy ad. Make sure to get your point across with a picture (or pictures) and words.

6. Bullet Point your ideas. Keep them brief and to the point. Take time to think about your company. Make a list of the most important things your company offers. What are you most passionate about? Translate those ideas to your ad.

7. Make sure phrases, words, prices, phone numbers, etc., are eye catching. Use various fonts, sizes of fonts, bold, italic, etc., to draw attention to different points. If the font in the ad is the same, it will blend in and important information will be lost.

8. It is critical when placing an ad, to choose a magazine that hits your target market. If you sell health products, advertise in a chiropractic magazine. If you have a home based business, advertise in a home based business magazine or entrepreneur magazine.

9. Get statistics from the company. Number of circulation, areas of circulation, how the magazine is distributed, etc.

I am convinced that you can have effective advertising if you use these guidelines. The goal is to keep advertising costs to a minimum and still receive the response you are looking for. Statics show that people will look at an ad up to seven times before responding. Be patient, your phone may or may not start ringing off the hook. However, if you have done everything right you will receive good business from your advertising.

La Donna Jensen is an expert in marketing and sales for over 15 years. Marketing consultant for a radio show and magazine. Successful owner of own business and Internet entrepreneur. For more articles on marketing and advertising visit Blog56279
Erminia Blog8965

A Hard Look at PPC, Click Fraud and the Alternatives

With the creation of the Overture and Google Adwords systems, many webmasters believed they had finally hit the mother lode. It was no longer necessary for small online businesses to invest large amounts of money into Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services to gain high search rankings in the natural search results.

Even webmasters committed to SEO campaigns began to realize its fleeting nature. Given frequent search engine algorithm changes, optimizing a website was no guarantee that in 6 months or less it wouldn't be back to square one and page twenty of the search results.


With the advent of the PPCSE model created by Overture, and followed by Google Adwords, webmasters felt like they had finally found the level playing field that everyone talks about. Hiring a SEO company was no longer necessary to crack the top search engine results. A Page One placement could be purchased and often for far less than the cost of a SEO company's services.

Webmasters discovered that they could get traffic to their website for as little as one cent per click.

Pay-per-click, however, has evolved over the last 5 years and not to the benefit of most webmasters. Although five cents is currently the average starting bid price at most major search engines, many sought after keyword terms can cost as much as $30 - $50 per click. Given the increasingly competitive nature of PPC advertising and spiralling costs, many small- to medium- sized businesses today might be better served hiring a good SEO company to search optimize their websites.


There are four types of people who click on pay-per-click ads. Knowing who these people are helps explain why experts keep telling us that 20% to 25% of all clicks on PPC listings are "fraudulent clicks".

Personality Type #1: True-Blue Prospects

These are the people for whom you have placed your pay-per-click ads. They see your advertisement; they like what they see; and they click your link to see if you can actually serve their needs.

Personality Type #2: Accidental Clickers

Every once in a while, even my finger misfires, and I click an advertisement that I did not intend on clicking. My first thought is usually, "Oh no...", and my first action is to find the back button.

I didn't mean to cost that person money by clicking his advertisement... but I did. It was an accident. Now, the advertiser has to pay for my mistake. That bites.

Personality Type #3: Jealous Competitors

I would like to think that all of my, and your, competitors are fine, upstanding people. And most of them are. But, there are some who are not, and they click on pay-per-click links just to be spiteful or just to cost their business rivals a few dollars.

Believe it or not, a good percentage of "fraudulent clicks" are believed to be clicks perpetrated by people against their competitors.

Personality Type #4: True-Blue Fraudsters

Not that long ago pay-per-click providers realized that there was tremendous opportunity in offering small website owners a method for cashing in on their limited traffic.

Today, a webmaster can go to any number of pay-per-click services, add a small piece of code to a webpage and start serving paid advertising the same day. Webmasters thus become revenue share partners with the PPC provider, splitting revenues with the PPC provider for each click.

Ethical webmasters, of course, put the needs of their advertisers first and focus on putting eyeballs on their website so that visitors can click on the advertising links.

But, the word "ethical" doesn't exist in the vocabulary of some webmasters. These are the "true-blue fraudsters" who believe in making "revenue at any cost... no matter who might be hurt by their actions." They devise schemes to have their own ads clicked in order to drive up their revenue share.

These webmasters, although a minority, are responsible for the vast majority of fraudulent clicks. And, they are the same people that should be taken out behind the barn, for a good old-fashioned flogging --- one lashing for each stolen dollar would be fine with me.


If the experts are correct in estimating that 25% of all clicks are fraudulent, then you are paying out 33% more than you should have to pay to get your business.

If you are converting PPCSE clicks-to-sales at a rate of $20 per transaction, then you should be aware that your actual conversion rate for non-PPCSE advertising would cost you an average of $15 per transaction. By escaping the pay-per-click search engine model, you could in effect make an additional $5 per transaction by cutting the fraud out of your marketing budget.

Personally, I would rather not pay the pay-per-click mafia the $5 a transaction that they are exacting against pay-per-click advertisers.


I have always gained the best bang for my buck with pay-for-placement advertising. In a nutshell, I pay a monthly, quarterly or yearly fee to have my advertising seen on various websites. Banner advertising is always an option, but text links provide better click-through rates (CTR's).

At any one time, you can find links to my websites on dozens of other websites.

Here are a few examples of pay-for-placement, often referred to as "paid inclusion", advertising networks: Network: ( )

The Independent Search Engine and Directory Network (powered by is comprised of more than 200 specialty search engines, search directories and article directories. Through their system, you can buy quarterly or yearly top ten exposure ( for specific keyword phrases which are then shown through the ISEDN's 200 plus member websites. Their network claims to show paid inclusion ads 150 million times per month.

Pricing starts at $4 per month per keyword phrase and goes down according to the number of keyword phrases purchased. Quarterly and yearly rates for one keyword phrase are $12 and $36, respectively. Home Page Featured Advertiser Listing: 4

BraveNet is the number one provider of free web tools in the world and through their AdBrite sales page you can purchase a 30 day text advertisement at the bottom of the Bravenet home page for $1500 or a 3 month advertisement for $3500. According to the Bravenet Media Kit ( ), their network serves 500 million page views per month.

ColdFront Network: ( )

ColdFront serves the Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG) communities. With 150,000 unique visits and 12 million page views per month, they provide real advertising value, if your target market happens to be in this area. Paid inclusion can be purchased for $250 to $350 per month.


We put locks and deadbolts on our doors. In some localities, we put bars on our windows. We keep our valuables in safes. We keep our cars locked when we are not in them. We are a nation obsessed with protecting our valuables.

And yet, when we advertise our online businesses, we seem to be willing to let PPCSE providers steal 25% of our advertising budget? It boggles the mind.

Personally, I am done with PPCSE companies until they can assure me that my advertising dollars are protected from click fraud.

I have always relied on my own search engine optimization skills to strengthen my natural search results. And frankly, I am pretty good at it.

And, to supplement my own SEO efforts and organic search result placement sucesses, or lack thereof, paid inclusion currently offers me the best value for my money.

Bill Platt is the owner of Article Distribution Service. Through his system, you can have your Free Reprint Articles sent to thousands of publishers and webmasters looking for good quality content. If you need someone to write articles for you, Bill's writers can create interesting articles on most any topic. If you would like to talk to Bill personally about his services, you can reach him from 9:30am to 6pm CST at: (405) 780-7745. Fanchette Blog25612
Vitia Blog60379

Marketing: The Internet Has Become A Gold Mine For All Marketing Firms

If the world of infrastructure is a block of granite, marketing is a fluid running through its small chasms. Marketing is a force like gas, a prevalent and very active thing that is difficult to pin down and observe. It is one of the abstracted forms arising from a post-modern way of life, and it shows no signs of slowing down.

It makes sense that marketing in its never-ending search for new forms has branched onto the web. The internet and the screen of the personal computer are lucrative fields for new advertising campaigns. Much of consumer activity has moved onto the web, and so marketing is keeping up with trends by moving its own strategies to a web-based format.

The most familiar ways that marketing firms do this is by the use of devices such as ad banners or pop ups that bring ad copy directly into the view of the user. These are time-tested marketing strategies that work: users click through on ad banners and generate revenue for the creators, improving the status of the company or product. There are also the 'cookies' that companies hide in a user's hard drive. Devices such as cookies provide critical data about a consumer; they allow marketing individuals to create campaigns based on established facts, and they allow researchers to track the web activities of consumers.

Besides these marketing tools, software makers have given marketers different programs to better their commerce. Some of these are available online for a firm eager to improve its web image. One such program is the VIPCART: this package allows marketers to create a 'shopping cart' that shoppers use online to collect product which they can purchase with their credit cards. Though online shopping is hazardous due to credit fraud, many people still shop online.

Marketers can also make use of a package entitled SEO DETECTIVE that lets users compare data on different web sites to get a picture of who is running a particular online industry. The best web sites generate the best sales, and tabulation software such as the detective programs allow individuals to concretely assess who has the best web sites.

Then there are a host of other programs dealing with innovations like keyword-driven sales that also analyze web response from consumers. All of these tools try to direct customers to a product by reacting to feedback through the transparent channels of the web. Keyword-driven sales is one way to get the attention of clients, and in-depth work with search engines can benefit a company's prominence greatly.

By and large, conventional marketing will not go away, but the web will become a bigger and bigger arena for marketing in the future as marketers try to get the most out of online sales.

Robert Michael is a writer for FAA Marketing which is an excellent place to find marketing links, resources and articles. For more information go to: http://www.faamarketing.comVivia Blog18775
Ventura Blog27779

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Video Marketing Your Ticket To Traffic

Making a video is fun, but making a profitable video is even better. Best of all, to make a profitable video, all you need to do is create a video 'how-to' and provide links to your website inside that video. As for subject matter? That's truly the very best part because it doesn't matter what your 'how-to' video covers.

Just be sure that as you create your new how to video that your website url is:

At best, displayed the whole time your video is running, or

At worse, displayed when the video first starts and right before it ends.

Let's face it, people love how-to's... and they search for them every day on a very large scale. As an example, a friend of ours had this experience to share:

"Just a few days ago I was folding clothes, and on a whim I went to google videos and typed in "how to fold a shirt". Sure enough there were a few videos there. I watched them (and learned a very cool way to fold shirts), and it impressed the kids too."

She then told us, "So here's the thing. I'm not a professional shirt folder, I wasn't checking out the competition, I just did a search for something on a whim, and then I watched a few videos."

There's the key phrase - "ON A WHIM"

Internet marketers often find themselves with tunnel vision. They focus so intently on what they have to offer that they miss the big wide world, and what that world is doing while he or she is thinking exclusively about just their own website.

Tunnel vision... if you have it (and we all get it, don't worry), you need to learn how to "Think Outside the Box!"

Let's continue looking at the shirt folding scenario:

What if one of the shirt folding videos that was watched had had a url displaying your website? Well, for openers, you could have had a visitor (traffic) to your website. And, ideally, you may have had a buyer and long-term client. People are curious animals. If your video was creative enough, it most definitely can, and most likely will, generate a visit to your website.

The reality is that millions and millions of people are watching tons of videos every day on every topic you could ever possibly imagine.

That's worth repeating, "...on every topic you could ever possibly imagine."

So if you're thinking, "Shouldn't I create a video related to what I am selling?" the answer is.... sure, if you have that ability, go for it. But the truth is it doesn't matter if you do it on topic to the product you are selling or not.... the big thing is to make as many videos as you can about as many things as you can and post them to all of the top video feed sites.

The second most important thing to remember is that as you post them, keyword them to terms related to your video. Check sites like and make sure the keywords you are allowed to enter in connection with your video are ones people are searching for! Keyword-driven, video-related quality traffic and buyers... make that your goal!

Also keep in mind that you aren't creating feature length films here. Your videos can be anywhere from 1 minute to 10-15 minutes or any length in between.

Quiet on the set... Cameras rolling... Action!

Theresa Cahill invites you to further explore the unique qualities of how to video marketing and for even more ideas on effective internet marketing see what Molten Marketing can do for your website today!Felita Blog74340
Ethelin Blog89838

Why is Content Important?

Content is the soul of a website. Content is comprised of the words or text on a web page along with the graphics and structure of a website. Today Web content is the best tool for building relations with your potential customers. The look and feel of a site is crucial but quality web content may be more important.

Two of the most popular methods of getting traffic from search engines include PPC Pay Per Click and SEO Search Engine Optimization.


Pay per click advertising on search engines allows you choose keywords you would like your site to appear for when a search is performed. You decide how much you are willing to pay each time a person clicks on the search results. The more you are willing to pay per click, the higher your site will appear in the results for the keywords you choose.Pay Per Click is advertising provided by the search engine providers (Google, Yahoo! and others) where you PAY for top placement. Their strategies for placement differ slightly. Some search engines will give you higher placement if your ad has a higher click-through rate (meaning more people click on your ad in ratio to the amount of times your ad was shown), others give top positions to the highest bidder.

You probably already know that surveys are excellent for finding out what your target market wants. But if combined with low cost, quick and dirty Google PPC, surveys can also send lots of targeted prospects to your site every month.

In either case, you PAY. It is a quick way to get listed in the search engines and a smart way to get your traffic flowing but it is not the cheapest AND you could spend far more than is profitable for your business if you dont know what youre doing.

Search Engines: While crawling pages of a website, search engines look for content more than anything else. Search engines can pick up quality content and it is the only factor that they emphasize and value most while ranking a website. For the benefit of their users, search engines try to find the best and most useful content on the Internet for any given set of keywords.


Although search engines are extremely competitive (in terms of placement), the major search engines account for over 90% of all traffic. With that though in mind, companies that are serious about earning a share of the internet market should be committed to securing top 10 rankings for the keywords or phrases that pertain to the products and services that they offer.

The best way to ensure a solid return on your website investment is to employ the services of a search engine optimization firm with a proven track record of success, knowledge of current and cutting edge techniques, and experience working with the business community.

There are a lot of companies working behind the scenes to help website owners get plenty of traffic from the natural search engine listings. Natural listings mean the search engine has ranked you according to the value it believes your site will offer an individual searching for a specific word or phrase.

Understanding exactly WHAT the search engines want to see when ranking sites requires knowledge of the algorithms. These algorithms change all the time as search engine providers try to outwit the search engine optimizers trying to find loopholes in the ranking system.

Some SEO companies will promise you top spots for a certain cost. Some are honestly creating optimized websites others may be using techniques that could possibly get your site BANNED from the search engines entirely (once the search engine catches on). However, optimizing your website for better placement in the search engines is a technique that you should become familiar with and use to your advantage.

Both of these traffic methods have their pros and cons for generating traffic from the search engines. You will find out more about using them properly later on. But first you need to know what REALLY works

Dechen Lau., is an Author, Speaker and Internet Marketing Consultant Ethyl Blog32762
Vitia Blog9329

Superstar Affiliate Marketing

Internet business is a bit confusing especially if you're not really knowledgeable at it. You will also be left completely blank, asking yourself as to what type of online business is best for you. Why don't you try affiliate marketing business?

Affiliate marketing is defined as a revenue sharing relationship between advertisers or merchants and online publishers or affiliates. It is a low cost way for merchants to sell their products and services.

In this type of online business, you don' have to take any risk because you only have to pay the affiliate once the result is achieved. Once a customer is gained, a portion of the profit from that customer will be given to the affiliate as commission. Usually, an affiliate gets a commission for referring clicks, leads or sales to the merchant' website. The said affiliate income can be a fixed dollar amount or a fixed percentage.

From this simple commission-based referral system, some affiliates become experts on this field. In fact, some of them are gaining more than five figures every month. However, among the thousands of marketers, only 1 to 5% of them reached this level. And if you'e among the lucky ones who achieve this so-called elite level, you can now be aptly called a super affiliate. Want to Boost ur Affiliate Commission...Check this link

This means you are capable of achieving noteworthy percentage of sales or traffic on your merchant' website. Super affiliates are not only experts on search engine optimization; they are also great in newsletter marketing, email marketing, reciprocal linkages, keyword optimization, link exchanges, advertising in forums and other methods to advertise and promote their products and services.

But how does a person become a super affiliate? And how can they overachieve their way to super affiliate stardom? Making your way to super affiliate stardom is not that easy; and it surely won' happen overnight. Bear in mind that you need to embrace some tactics, carry out effective online business strategies and of course give hefty time commitment. You can' be a super affiliate without blood and sweat and without the following traits - patience, persistence and thirst for knowledge. Matched with efficient strategy, these three traits provide you the formula towards super affiliate stardom.

Affiliate marketing strategies are a bit difficult but they are achievable; you just have to work hard on it. First, look for a unique and exceptional niche and focus in it. The reason why most people in the affiliate marketing business didn' turn out to be very successful is that they try to offer almost everything under the sun instead of giving all their attention in a particular niche market. If you want to become a super affiliate, try not to scatter all your efforts; concentrate on your niche and make it grow by means of promoting, advertising and selling it well.

The next step you must do after you have established your affiliate storehouse is to promote it. Most affiliates resort to pay-per-click engines. But what' more advisable is to discover how to accomplish organic search results or better yet, hire a search engine marketing company. Through this, you can be saved from losing all your profits on pay-per-click engines.

Then, familiarize yourself with your product and know your audience. Remember that credibility builds trust. And you can only make information that puts up your credibility if you know the products and services your site is offering. If you'e target audience don' trust you, how could you expect them to purchase from your affiliate storehouse? Moreover, if you take time to learn the products and services you are recommending, it will be way too easy for you to establish a website that converts well, which will enhance your affiliate income in return.

Try to promote and resell products from different merchants. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this strategy because it is just a way of protecting your business and broadening your horizons to be sure that you won' experience the so-called famine effect. Aside from that, promoting different merchants on the same site provides your site visitors a handful of destinations to choose from. This strategy will also make you aware on what your visitor want to see and it can also help you find out how well various merchants perform against each other.

As mentioned earlier in this page, a super affiliate wannabe should have this trait - thirst for knowledge. It is because this trait can help him or her stay updated and remain on top of the trends. If you are knowledgeable in internet marketing, then you know that what was adopted few months ago may not be applicable at present. So it is important to seek knowledge and make sure that you are updated on what's new about affiliate marketing daily. Keep in mind that super affiliates take time to read, learn and embrace the changes in online marketing business.

And what'most important? Never, ever give up. Being engaged in affiliate marketing business is hard, that' why you must be equipped with patience and persistence. Check your statistics and find out the things that are working and those that are not. Make changes if the situation calls for.

These are just few suggestions and ideas if you want to boost your affiliate income. Let me reiterate, you have to be patience, persistence and knowledgeable. Then, follow the above mentioned strategies and you'l surely find yourself on the road to super affiliate stardom.

Maria Johns is the Internet Biz Researcher who dedicated her precious 2 years in studying the income opputunity from internet and the result???....Mentioned in my articleFelita Blog74340
Freddy Blog56853

Your Online Business Do You Really Want One?

Do you really want an online business? This is a simple question, but you should really mull over what you are getting into, and whether you really can or want to make the commitment. People who are new to the Internet, are sometimes mislead into believing that a website is easy to do. The answer to that belief is -- Yes and No. Ill give you a hint at what skills you need and what to be aware of before you venture online.

Computer Skills

First and foremost, you should enjoy working on a computer. Why? You will find that you may have to commit quite a few hours on the computer when you are building your online business. If you dont enjoy the computer, you might want to rethink your options.

Second, to eliminate frustration and keep your productivity up, you should have some keyboarding skills. Meaning, you should at least be able to type 25 wpm and know or learn, how to cut and paste. To help to increase your keyboarding skills, look at the site Learn 2 Type ( Its a free site that can help you with your basic typing skills.

Third, since you are going to be the chief cook and bottle washer of your business, you also need to know how to maintain your computer. On the Internet you need to protect your computer from hacker attacks. So acquaint yourself and your computer with anti-virus, anti-spam, and firewall software you wont regret the outlay.

Internet Skills

You should have some basic Internet skills. Such as, uploading and downloading pictures images, and files from the Internet, and understanding basic Internet terminology the rest will come later. Im not saying you cant learn it you can. But the quickness of your success will pretty much be gauged by what Internet knowledge you bring to the table when you first begin online.

Email Skills

This one is important. Okay, you may be saying Email is email. What is the big deal?

But on the Internet, you will be acquainted with scammers. Phishing scams abound. It is the newbie that these people hope to catch.

For instance, if you receive an email stating that there is something wrong with your account, and to click on the link to verify that it is okay DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK. If you do, youve just invited a hacker, worm or virus on to your system.

Your Passion

With any business, online or offline, you must have a passion for what you want to venture into. Why? Passion is the juice that will get you up in the morning and to your computer-even when you are ill.

Your passion will even make you think differently about any situation you may face in your online journey. Think about it, if you like what you do, any bump in the road is just thata bump in the road. If you hate what you are doing any bump in the road will derail you. If you dont have the passion, dont even think about setting up a website.

Building A Website

If you want to build a website, but you dont have any programming knowledge, dont fret. Most web hosting services offer programs that can get you building your own website without any programming knowledge. But you still have to do the work.

Working Your Site

Learning how to make your site profitable will take time, if you have little or no knowledge. You just cant put a website up and say, Here is my creation people now come to my site. It would be nice if it worked that way, but alas, it doesnt.

You have to invite the search engines to your site. How do you do that? You have to optimize your site for the search engines and then let the search engines and your target market know that you are out there. Search engine optimization is a long-term strategy of getting hits to your site. Its long-term because you have to tweak and incorporate keywords into your site without taking away from the quality of the content that you want to give to your audience. After optimization is done, then you should submit your site to the search engines for indexing.


You need to advertise your new site on the Internet. Several ways is through press releases and articles.

Press releases will get your site quickly out on the Internet. And articles, they can give you great one-way links that your website needs. And, that small resource box at the end of your article will, or should, entice traffic to your site which is usually your target market.

As you can see, there is more to setting up a website, and you must have the total picture of what you are venturing into before you lay out your hard earned cash. But, if you have the passion, have the skills or are a quick study, go for an online business and reap the rewards that it can offer you. What rewards? To name just a few: self-confidence, self-respect, self-worth and money.

Vickie J Scanlon -- Visit her site at: for free tools and quality services, computers, software, articles, ebook reviews, and how to info for the Affiliate Marketer/Internet Marketer.Farrah Blog80922
Fayina Blog95738

Starting Your Own Home Business

Ok, so you have researched the facts, weighed the pros and cons and have finally decided that a home business is right for you. But now you need to figure out what type of business you want and how to proceed with marketing this business.

There are many types of home businesses but not all of them are right for all people. You need to ask yourself these questions: Do I want to start my own business from scratch? Do I just want to join an MLM and sell for someone else? Do I want to sell physical products or digital products? Do I want to do all the work online or offline too? Do I want help with my business or do I want to go solo? Do I just want to become an affiliate and sell other people's online products?

MLM/Direct Sales - The company you sell for is in control of how you run your business. You are paid a commission for sales and usually have to recruit a downline.

Distributorship - You are in control of your own business. You keep all profits and do not need to recruit a downline.

Digital Products - Selling digital products such as ebooks is done online and there is no need for an inventory, shipping or worrying about damaged goods.

Affiliate Programs - many people make a good online income just by selling other people's products.

Service Provider - This would include such things as virtual assistant, party planner, pet sitter, etc.

These types of businesses can be combined to form one very successful business. Such as applying for a distributorship and then also offering ebooks on your online store site.

Once you have chosen your business and gotten all your permits, tax numbers, etc, you will need to start marketing your new business. There are countless ways to do this online and offline.

Offline Marketing

Offline marketing would include: business cards, flyers, attending your community events and networking, attending expos, craft fairs, trade shows, postcards, phone calls, newsletter advertising, door hangers, radio, fundraisers, school functions, catalog distribution, mailing lists, home parties, car magnets, brochures, seminars, yellow pages and more. Use your creativity to come up with your own unique marketing ideas.

Online Marketing

Marketing strategies online include: link exchanges, search engines, autoresponders, online auctions, email press release, online chats/seminars, ebooks, blogging, tutorials, ad swapping, ezine publishing, article marketing and much more!

To market your home business takes a lot of work, consistency, time and commitment. Handing out a couple business cards and throwing up a website will not suffice. Work as many as these marketing ideas as you can. Find out which ones really work for you and then expand on them. Then try more!

I want to make sure you understand that you cannot treat your business as a hobby. If you want a successful business with a full time income, you have to work your business full time. If you find one of these programs that claim you can make thousands a week for 5 minutes of work, (that actually work) please let me know. In the meantime, start using some of these ideas and get your business name out there!

Terri Seymour has 10 years experience & has helped many people. Visit her site for more help, resources, $1 resell ebooks, weekly ezine & more.Fayre Blog5381
Esma Blog62881

The Ultimate Internet Marketing Strategy Every One Should Practice

Every successful online marketer says this is the bar-none, top-of-the-list, number one way to guaranteed success for any online venture.

What Is it?

Any marketer knows that nothing beats word of mouth advertising. It is simply the most powerful and cost effective advertising ever known. Even before the days of the Internet. Word of mouth advertising got every business where it is today.

Many entrepreneurs never have and never will spend money on advertising. Their entire business comes from people telling other people about their product or service.Could you imagine never spending money on advertising, but always having a steady stream of customers on your door step begging for your product or service.

This word of mout is what we call viral marketing.

However, word of mouth does not come easily.There is one catch to running a business only on word of mouth advertising. You must be selling an outstanding product or service. If you sell crap, the only word of mouth advertising you'll have is negative.

I'm sure you've heard the expression before. A satisfied customer will tell three people about your product or service, an unsatisfied customer will tell ten.

If your customers aren't happy you'll have to work ten times harder and spend more money on advertising to sell your product.

There are two ways you can benefit from positive word of mouth. These are:

1. It's free advertising. This is self explanatory. The less you have to spend on advertising, the more money you can put in your pocket and back into your business.

2. People are endorsing your product or service. Having someone endorse your product puts you at a greater advantage. When someone tells their friend about the positive experience they've had with your product, there is instant trust. People trust their friends. If a friend says your product is it, they'll instantly trust you. Trust is a huge barrier to break down when it come to selling anything, online or off.

The one way I have found to work well with positive word of mouth is list building.List building by refering like ten people from your own effort and then these ten will go on to build your list up to a big size.

To give you an idea of how powerful word of mouth advertising can be in helping you to build your list, take a look below. Your list can grow exponentially without you ever even having to lift a finger again.This is a whole new way to LEVERAGE your efforts into a MEGALIST of monstrous proportions!

Let's say you enroll SEVEN people from your paid advertising or any other form of advertising Seven is still pretty conservative for a completely FREE program... And let's say each of those 7 also told 7 people and enrolled them And each of those also enrolled 7 people and so on

That would look like this:

1x7 Members =7
7x7 Members =49
49x7 Members =343
343 x7 Members =2,401
2,401x7 Members =16,807

TOTAL: 19,607 Members

That is 19,607 subscribers you get to mail to! And you only referred seven subscribers yourself!

Want to run the example with 10 referrals each? (That'd be a whopping 111,110 subscribers!) Or 20? I

won't even do the math on that one, because frankly, you wouldn't believe the numbers!

You get the idea. More and more people just keep learning about your business all through friends and associates. And it's all free advertising!

If you think the above numbers are a bit of an overstatement think again. Go to right now and do a search on Autoresponder Magic. Autoresponder Magic is an eBook that was written by Yanik Siler several years ago. More than 80,000 web sites advertise his Ebook on their sites right now for


When Yanik started out several years ago he didn't even know what an Ebook was. Today he has more traffic coming to his site in a day than most web sites do in a life time.

That is how powerful viral marketing is. Do not skimpon using it. You can set up your viral marketing system to build your list by using ebooks, writing free articles and others.

Visit Lubowa.M.Planet viral Internet marketing websites.For Marketing Visit: For List Building visit: For 127 marketing software visit: http://www.most-important-marketing-tools.comVicki Blog90356
Ernesta Blog34875

Online Turnkey Business Opportunities and Ideas

Anyone who wants to make more money than they ever could with their 9 to 5 J-O-B, owning his or her own business is the only opportunity for the average person to consider(besides winning the lottery). Owning a brick and mortar business, is way out of reach for the average person. If you have a computer and an internet connection, then you have the ability to own your own work at home online turnkey business.

Recently, more and more people have become interested in making their income on the internet, unfortunately few of them ever make a decent living. Making money working from home takes a lot of time and effort. It is not a get rich quick solution. Be ready for months, maybe even years, of hard consistent work before you finally reap the benefits. Follow the wrong path into get-rich-quick schemes and you will be back to your day job in no time flat, more broke than when you started.

Here's a six step formula for starting a home business.

#1. Find out if you can make huge sums of money without selling anything. Is this possible? Yes! There are business opportunities out that do not involve selling. This works primarily if the business uses a powerful Direct Response Marketing approach. The beauty of this approach is that it attracts all the right people and turns away the wrong ones. Folks are bought into the home-based business system automatically! Direct Response Marketing also eliminates the biggest objections, educates people about the major advantages of a product or service, and best of all, it makes people want to buy now! Therefore, finding an opportunity like this is crucial.

#2. Discover if the work at home opportunity offers help, support, and guidance from experts with a proven track record of making millions of dollars. This will require some research. It's safe to say that many opportunities will fail miserably in this area. However, if such a home business opportunity is found, your chance of success will be very high.

#3. Check to see if the company offers long-term opportunity. In other words, is the system the company has in place designed to make people money for the next 10, 20, and even 30 years? Avoid opportunities that sound golden, but will lose their glitter very quickly.

#4. Determine whether the home-based business opportunity can produce automatic income. It is useless to become involved in a business opportunity that will take months before any results or income can be seen. Why? People will usually become discouraged and quit if efforts are not rewarded in a timely manner. Avoid opportunities that will take months before any type of cash reward will be seen.

#5. Always ask if the start up is easy. If it will take three months to start up the business, why even become involved?

#6. This could be the most important question. Never forget to ask if there is an exit strategy. This is not being negative at all. On the contrary, it is being smart! Remember, there are no guarantees in life and business

Denise Nuttall owns the "Home Business Resource Directory" where you can find everything you'll ever need to start, run and grow a home business at: http://djnuttall-enterprises.comVikky Blog51675
Esmeralda Blog16158

Advanta Platinum Business Credit Card - A Single Account To Handle All Your Business Credit Needs

The Advanta Platinum Business Card is designed for you if you are a business owner looking to consolidate business expenses onto one credit card account. You don't have to pay any annual fee and the introductory APR is set at 0% on purchases and balance transfers for the first 12 months. After the expiry of the introductory APR, the APR for purchases and balance transfers is 14.24% variable which is Prime plus 5.99%. The APR is calculated on the maximum Prime Rate during a 90 day period. The APR for cash advances will vary according to your credit history and will be 5.99% or 11.74% + Prime Rate.

Through the reward program, you earn one point for every dollar spent on all purchases made with the Advanta Platinum Business Card and these points can be redeemed for various travel rewards or pre-paid bonus cards. Though there is no yearly limits to the number of points that you can earn yet the points expire in three years. If you prefer cash rebates instead of travel rewards, there is a rebate program available for you that gives cash back for purchases. Whether you choose the rebate program or cash back one, both are free. Many common Platinum Business features are found with this card, including auto rental insurance, extended warranty coverage, itemized expense reports and online account access. You can also take advantage of the discounts that are offered on various products and services from participating retailers and merchants.

With the Advanta Platinum Business Card you get a grace period of 20days and an exceptional business credit line of up to $50000, you also get $0 dollar fraud liability making life easy for you. If you are late in paying the bill you have to pay a late fee of $19 if your balance is less than $250 and if it is $250 or more then you have to pay $39 as the late fee. The over limit fee of the Advanta Platinum Business Card is $15 on balances under $501 and $29 if the balance crosses the $501 mark. The cash advance fee is set at 3%, a minimum of $5 and for convenience checks a maximum of $50. the same is set as the balance transfer fee as it is with the introductory offer.

To apply for the Advanta Platinum Business Card you only require very good credit and you can enjoy special savings on business products and services like discounts of up to 25% or more through the preferred arrangements with companies like Penny-Wise Office Products, IBM, Palo Alto Software and Ramada Inn.

The Advanta Platinum Business Card provides you with various internet account related services as well as online statements and management reports. The online account access helps you manage your account like requesting credit line increases; adding cardholders; requesting balance transfers and updating account information. You can pay your bills online and that too is free of cost, thus you not only save you time but money as well.

You also get a personalised business design, personalised business checks and a personalised billing date; hence with the Advanta Platinum Business Card you are the boss. The Advanta Platinum Business Card is accepted at over 28 million locations worldwide and with it you can access cash instantly from any ATM displaying the MasterCard, Cirrus or Maestro logos, so now you don't have to worry about carrying cash whenever you are on a trip, the whole world is your home. To top it all, the Advanta Platinum Business Card protects you automatically against theft and damage.

This article was brought to you courtesy of Anthony Samuel, the webmaster of . A credit card directory where you can search, compare and apply for credit cards from leading credit card companies.Vivi Blog26756
Violante Blog31074

Does Affiliate Marketing Really Require A Website?

I hear a lot of internet marketers claim doing business in the World Wide Web requires ones own web site, suggesting that your own website is your online headquarters. Its your very own digital store where you could lead or send prospects / potential customers and where you offer the products you have for sale.

I agree that having your own web site can help you dramatically in your endeavor to achieve online success, but a website is not the end all and be all of internet salesmanship, especially when talking about affiliate program marketing. You certainly could make a living online as an affiliate even if you do not have the benefit of your own website!

So it is possible to earn a living online and never have your own web site!? How is this possible and more importantly how can this be done? Read on, my new friend, as we discuss alternative strategies that will allows you to make the most out of your affiliate marketing campaigns without having your own webpage on the net.

Affiliate marketing is a program whereby the affiliate can earn some generous commissions for every successful sale they manage to refer to the affiliate merchant. The affiliates task is merely to pre-sell the affiliate merchants goods. The sales page, the payment processing, the digital delivery, and post sales services shall be the responsibilities of the affiliate merchant. This leaves you free to concentrate on affiliate program promotions.

As an affiliate you have to refer or direct people to the affiliate merchants sales page using your affiliate program link. Note: Your affiliate links is extremely important as they identify you instead of someone else plus your affiliate link is how the affiliate program owners know who to pay. They will tell the system that a visitor was actually referred by you the affiliate.

Without a web site to promote or marketing the affiliate programs you belong to you will need other channels to get the word out. This can be done through the following techniques:

Use Article Marketing

We all know how powerful affiliate marketing can be in link building campaigns. But instead of providing for links to your own website, you could provide your affiliate links instead. Article directories allow you a resource box per submission, where you could tell your readers about yourself as well as leave a link of your choice. Now, you have to remember that some article directories do not allow affiliate links in the bodies of the articles themselves, but affiliate links are perfectly allowed in the resource box. Great places to start your article marketing campaign are , and

Use Forum Marketing

Online communities, or forums, are likewise great channels where you could promote your affiliate links. Membership in pHp 2.0 based forums gives you a signature box where you could advertise your links. Use this to advertise your affiliate links. For every post you will make, your signature box would appear. Post a thousand messages, and youll have a thousand pages advertising your affiliate links! Want to know the forums which are relevant to the subject serviced by the affiliate products youre promoting? Use the tool at to find the appropriate online community.

Advertise in eZines

This may cost you some cash, as many eZines charge for advertising space. Nonetheless, you could expose your affiliate links to highly targeted prospects using this approach. Imagine if the eZine has a list of 10,000 people. Youd immediately be able to reach 10,000 quality leads with one advertisement. Again, you dont need a website. Simply use your affiliate link in your ads.

The absence of your own website is never a bar to online success. Most of the strategies we have discussed here can be accomplished without spending a single cent. If you do not have the financial resources to register a domain or to subscribe to a web hosting service, you could still achieve success with affiliate marketing. Joining an affiliate program is free. Promoting your affiliate links can likewise be availed of without any charges. Good luck!

James Mann is a teacher and has been for more than 20 years. James has retired from the brick and mortar world of teaching and moved online where he spends his days helping others learn how to earn a living online.Vanda Blog17655
Fara Blog54217

Cold Calling For Jobs

When hunting for a job, after the first few weeks of sending out resumes and posting on job boards, people often feel like there is more they should be doing. Getting an interview in todays tight job market is difficult and you may need to pull out some old-time methods to help you get a good job.

You might ask what else can I do to get a job and the answer would be to do anything and everything possible to help yourself get a job. One method of job searching that has fallen by the wayside in light of the Internet age is cold calling companies to see if they are hiring.

As most of us know, companies who want to fill positions will initially try to fill in-house (even though they will post the job publicly). Secondly, they will try to fill positions through referrals from employees. Finally, they may or may not post jobs on one of the larger job boards.

Some companies today still do not post the majority of their open positions on job boards and will instead try to fill it in-house, through referrals or by posting on the companys web site.

In light of this, it is up to you and I to try any method possible to get a foot in the door. When you start considering cold calling companies for open positions, you first should prepare yourself for rejection. I suggest calling smaller companies within a 30 mile radius of home in the hopes that they do not have the hiring and advertising budgets that some of the bigger companies do and will be glad to look at your resume or even talk to you.

I spoke with a friend who was laid off after the 9/11 tragedy and was out of work for almost six months until he started calling the smaller software companies in the area to see if they needed help. Out of the blue, he called a local company that turned out to be owned by someone he went to Jr. High School with and he was able to secure a job with that company.

So, while not necessarily the best way to find a job, cold calling for open positions can sometimes lead you to discover relationships with companies that you never imagined possible. So, if your job search did not score you that big job in the first few weeks, dont be afraid to pick up the phone and start making some calls. You never know, it might pay off.

Scott Brown is the author of the Job Search Handbook ( As editor of the weekly newsletter on job searching, Scott has written many articles on the subject. He wrote the Job Search Handbook to provide job seekers with a complete yet easy to use guide to finding a job effectively. To download your own free copy of the Job Search Handbook, visit Blog5293
Viola Blog12750
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